Sinus Precautions/Instructions

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Sinus Instructions

Because of the close relationship between upper back teeth and the sinus, a communication between the sinus and mouth sometimes results from surgery. If that complication has occurred in your case, it often heals slowly and with difficulty. Certain precautions will assist healing and we ask that you faithfully follow these instructions:

  1. Take prescriptions as directed.
  2. Do not forcefully spit for several days.
  3. Do not smoke for several days.
  4. Do not use a straw for several days.
  5. Do not forcefully blow your nose for at least two weeks, even though your sinus may feel “stuffy” or there may be some nasal drainage.
  6. Try not to sneeze; it will cause undesired sinus pressure. If you must sneeze, keep your mouth open.
  7. Eat only soft foods for several days, always trying to chew on the opposite side of your mouth.
  8. Do not rinse vigorously for several days. Gentle salt water swishes may be used.
  9. You may gently brush your teeth 24 hours after your surgery; however, avoid the actual surgical location until Dr. Harris tells you otherwise.

Slight bleeding from the nose is not uncommon for several days after surgery.

Please keep Dr. Harris advised of any changes in your condition, especially if drainage or pain increases. It is important that you keep all future appointments until this complication has resolved.

For more information, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Harris, call our office in Anthem, AZ at 623-551-6556 or request an appointment online.

Sinus communications are a complex and difficult complication to treat and often require multiple surgeries to close. Please do your best to follow the above instructions in order to decrease the likelihood more surgery will be required.

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